
Welcome to Middleton Independents Party,

At the very heart of what we do is Middleton, our town, our people. We want to bring like-minded Middletonians together, people who have the best interests of our town in their hearts.

Tired of being second-class citizens to Rochdale, we’re sick of being overlooked when investment is needed. Tired of the status-quo of Labour councillors taking Middletonians for granted. Tired of the “jam tomorrow” promises at every election from local Labour.

We formed in early 2022 to oppose the local Labour candidates in our town, to stop them taking Middletonians for granted. We stood in all five wards with three MIP candidates in each and WE WON!

In East Ward we took all three, in North Ward we took two. We came very close in West Ward and South Ward too.

Our journey continues, we have elections to come, in May 2024 when we are standing in all five Middleton wards.

Our mission is to make sure the voice of Middleton is strong, and that Middleton gets the best local representation possible and the investment and services we deserve. If you’d like to support us, or are interested as standing as a future candidate, click here for further information.



MAY 2021



MAY 2022



MAY 2024