Councillor Allonby



A little bit about me

As you probably know, I’m a retired Headteacher, spending 25 years in Wythenshawe until ill health ended my career.

I decided to stand as a Councillor in memory of my wonderful wife of 50 years, who died suddenly last year and who, since we arrived in the Town, fell in love with Middleton. She loved the school where she worked, the Church, her friends and the countryside surrounding us.

Since my Mum and my sister-in-law also died last year its been a very tough one for my family. My own health has been so poor at times that I’ve twice had to take a short break from Council duties BUT here I am now, large as life and twice as handsome.

My two sons and my grandchildren live in the Town. It’s their lifelong home. I love it too, having arrived first in 1968 when it was the prettiest Town in Lancashire by far. I am a member of Rotary Middleton and an Honorary Life Member of Middleton Roundtable, I belonging to several “Friends” groups too. I’m caretaker at my church and responsible, with four pals, for the Providence Memorial Garden.

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