Middleton people, for middleton people
Join us
Help us by joining us
When you join Middleton Independents Party you’ll become entitled to play an active part in our party. You’ll influence the decisions we make and the policies that we adopt. We’re 100% democratic, so your priorities could become ours too.
We are not politicians, we are residents, just like you who’ve become tired of the same old local Labour promises at election time, tired of “jam tomorrow”!
Being a member you’ll help guarantee that Middleton has its voice again and that Middleton people are listened to once more. Rochdale council must listen when we speak, Rochdale council must act too.
Membership is free for your first year, and then just £2/month.
To join, click here:
members have an equal vote, you can help decide on the policies we’ll stand for in our campaigns
join our regular meetings and make new friends too. get involved as much or as little as you want
as a member you have the opporunity to apply to be a MIP candidate and stand for election
By applying to become a member of Middleton Independents Party I agree to accept and abide by the constitution of the party, its principles and policies, furthermore:
- I confirm that I’m registered as an elector at the address provided
- I’m not a member of any other registered political party
- I agree to my personal details being securely stored and any representatives of Middleton Independents Party using it to contact me
- I agree to my personal data being used by Middleton Independents party to communicate with me
- I understand that I may opt-out of receiving communication by notifying the party’s membership officer
- My membership shall be revoked should Middleton Independents Party has reason to believe you do not support the Party’s aims and values
- Membership will also be revoked should your behaviour brings the reputation of the Middleton Independents Party into disrepute