MIP support the LGA’s ‘Debate, Not Hate’ campaign

We’re pleased to announce our support for the LGA’s (Local Government Association) ‘Debate, Not Hate’ campaign to raise awareness of the role of Councillors in their communities, encourage healthy debate and improve support for local politicians facing abuse and intimidation.

The LGA found seven in 10 Councillors experienced abuse and intimidation over the last 12 months and how abuse is increasing in severity.

The intimidation and abuse of Councillors and candidates undermines democracy; preventing elected members from representing their communities, deterring individuals from standing as candidates and undermining trust in the democratic process.

MIP understands this all too well with members being subjected to increasing abuse causing, in some cases, ill health.

On Wednesday 22 March 2023 we welcomed a motion brought to Council by the Conservative Group asking for all parties to sign up to the ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign and this we gladly do.
